In Design Studio III, we were assigned a project to help the people of Haiti after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck in August 2021.  I created a fundraiser to partner with local businesses to create a pop-up event with food trucks and other activities. The proceeds would go to various charities that are helping with the recovery efforts. 
The logo I created for the fundraiser and the branding associated. I wanted to use both Haitian Creole and English in a similar way to signs on the island would. The design itself was inspired by the way water distorts reflections. 
Food Truck and Packaging
Food truck design
Food truck design
Packaging design
Packaging design
The overall aesthetic of the project was inspired by a Haitian artist, Pierre Maxo. I did numerous studies of his art, particularly how he handled the fruit and fauna of his pieces. I then tried to create flowers, food, and fruit in a similar style to use on the packaging and food truck design created for this project. 
The food truck features a large floral design at the bottom and a border of food from Haiti at the top. I also changed the backsplash of the food truck mockup at the suggestion of my professor, as it did not quite fit my design on the food truck. Food truck mockup created by Илья Голобородов.
The packaging was created with the intention of being colorful and in theme with the event. It also has the added duty of accessing the donation page and information about our sponsors through the QR codes. Mockup created by INC Design Studio
App Design
I created an app/ mobile webpage for the event as the menu and pamphlet. Rather than having paper versions of these products, people could use their phones to access the menu for their city and learn more about our charities that would be working with the event. There is also a donation tracker page so people can see how their city is stacking up to other cities. 
Part of my goal with this fundraiser when I pitched it was to use civic pride as a way to raise funds. I wanted to create a competition between cities as a way to raise more funds. There are cities that have "rivalries" with each other, and the people of those cities would do a lot for bragging rights. As a further incentive, whichever city won, the participants from that city would get some prizes (deals from the restaurants that participated in the event). 
App Prototypes 
Menu Page
Donation Page
Donation Tracker
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